(Queen Victoria's Coronation Portrait) http://qvj.chadwyck.com
On June 20, 1837 Queen Victoria ascended to the throne of England.Great Britain and Ireland She reigned for 63 years and seven months. Do you doubt that she was a Skywatcher? Well the Royal Astronomical Society gave her a "Loyal Address" on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee, the 50th year of her reign. The address says in part:
"... on behalf of those within the wide limits of Your Majesty's empire, who are interested in the development of astronomy, we gratefully acknowledge the benefits we have enjoyed during the long continuance of Your Majesty's reign:...."
Tell me now that she was not a Skywatcher.
Welcome to Skywatch Friday where people from all over the world post great photographs of the skies in their part of the world. Your Skywatch Friday hosts are Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.
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